Wednesday, September 6, 2023

September's Kid's Corner Activity: Family Recipe Book


 This month's Kid's Corner Activity is Creating a Family Recipe Book. 

To create your special Family Recipe Book, you will need

  • A book of some kind-whether it is a plain notebook from the store or a recipe book. You can use the Family Recipe Book template that was created by the Dougy Center for Grieving Children and Families and can be downloaded by clicking here
  • Recipes- Include meals that remind you of your loved one and the special memories you shared. 
  • Pens, Pencils, Markers, and other decorating items should you wish to decorate your recipe book.
1. Think about all the special memories created with your loved one when food was involved. This could include holiday dinners, cookouts, or baking with a mother or grandmother. 

2. Gather the recipes from the favorite dishes prepared during those special times. Be sure that you have a list of all of the ingredients and cooking instructions and write them down in your recipe book. Be sure to include the name of the dish, like "Grandma's Favorite Cookies" or "Dad's Special Chicken BBQ" so that you can find the recipe when you want to cook it. 

3. Don't be afraid to write down why this recipe is special to you and share the memories associated with the dish. As you look back and make these recipes over and over again, being able to celebrate the memories will help keep your loved one alive. You can also decorate the recipe pages with stickers, drawings, or even photos of you and your loved one making the dish together if you have them. 

4. Make the recipes. If there is a recipe in your book that Grandma used to make every Thanksgiving, don't be afraid to make it every Thanksgiving after her death. Or if you and your mom used to make cookies on the very last day of school, keep the tradition alive with your children or even siblings. Food is always a good source of comfort when celebrating memories. Often many of the strongest memories are focused around a dinner table. 


In every culture, food is one thing that can bring us close together even when far away. It's important for children and teens to be able to express themselves while grieving. Don't be afraid to help them make those special recipes and create the recipe book. The book itself will become a treasured family heirloom that can be passed down through the generations as a way to remember our past and celebrate those we miss. 

In fact, while adding recipes from those we loved and have passed away, encourage your child to have those still with them and add their own favorite recipes. One of the greatest memories I've found in my own family is when a grandmother passes a recipe from her mother down the generations. 

This month's Kid's Corner Activity is found on the U.U. Davis Health Children's Hospital-Activities for grieving Children and Families web page. The handout they provided is from the Dougy Center for Grieving Children and Families. 

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