Hey everybody,
We're excited to share another great activity that you can do to help remember your loved one.
This month we're going to make a Memory Mobile.
To make a memory mobile, you will need:
- Paper plates (get as many as you'd like in whatever sizes you want)
- A sheet of stars (or whatever shape or design you'd like)
- A sheet of big star (or again, whatever shape or design you'd like-you may have to go to a craft store or draw your own star on a sheet of cardstock)
- 2 ribbons
- 5 pieces of cording
- Markers, Colored Pencils or Crayons
- Stickers
- Beads
- Scissors-make sure to ask mom, dad, or another trusted adult to help you if you need it
- Hole Punch
- Paper Clip
- Stapler
- Write memories about your loved one who died on the stars (or whatever shape or design you selected).
- Decorate the stars and paper plates with markers, colored pencils, crayons, or stickers.
- Cut out the stars.
- Punch holes in the stars.
- Punch 4 holes on the out most portion of the paper plate in each of the 4 quadrants. Tie each of the 2 ribbons to a punched hole on the backside of the plate and then tie to the hole directly across. This is how the mobile will hang. **Make sure the ribbons are the same length when they are tied.
- String pieces of cording with beads (the beads weight down the stars). Tie or staple stars to the end of the cording.
- Staple the other ends of the cording randomly to the paper plate; opposite of the ribbon.
- Attach the paper clip to the ribbon to hang the mobile.
This month's project may be a bit more difficult then most we will share or have shared on our blog page, but we found great value in it. A perfect activity to do with children of all ages (yes, even with teenagers), it creates a memory object, while providing an opportunity for artistic expression to honor and remember loved ones. Lastly, this provides a forum for sharing stories of self, family, and memories.
This month's Kid's Corner Activity Time comes from the Clinical Grief Activities for Working with Bereaved Children handbook for Safe Crossings Children and Teen Grief Support Program, sponsored by Providence Hospice of Seattle. For more information, please visit their website at https://www.providence.org/locations/wa/hospice-of-seattle/safe-crossings-pediatric-grief-program
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